VidyaSoft offers customized software solutions and tools for businesses, government and private individuals, based on IoT, AI, blockchain, mobile and web. We provide high added value consulting services to companies and organizations that need customized software and highly specialized technical staff training.

The VidyaSoft team has many levels of expertise in the field of software architectures and leverages on several years of experience, taking up the challenge of supporting the customer at every stage of ad-hoc software development.
The company is committed to providing the customer with a flexible experience, tailored to his needs and in the following ways:
– Serving: turnkey software, with a dedicated team that masters every necessary expertise, managed entirely by VidyaSoft;
– Time & Material: VidyaSoft professionals are allocated to customer-managed teams according to the customer’s effort and skills needs.
Knowledge is perhaps the most important resource at our disposal; sharing it, passing on to others everything we have learned and the methods we have developed over the years, is a great honour and a great responsibility. VidyaSoft is committed to transmitting its know-how in the most efficient and productive way possible, embracing the philosophy of “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t know it well enough”.
VidyaSoft assists companies in the professional training of highly qualified and specialized personnel, planning workshops and courses dedicated to targeted and specific aspects of the IT sector, and participating in mentoring activities alongside those realities that face for the first time the realization of hi-tech projects.